!This is a summit!

the summit is only half way...at best

…In fact it is not about the summit…. at all. It is about coming home safe together and enjoying the ride even at hairy moments….

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How do i look at it?

Looking back, reflecting, finding out what I have to offer….

After dreaming my dreams, I lived a part of my dreams in my 2 year sabbatical leave. I took a deep dive into myself, guided by a 2 year professional training to be a systemic coach and unravel who I am in the process. By making choices that did not turn out to be the most successful, I ended up with my first assignment on my own two feet as a self employed business consultant.

Now almost a year into my new professional existence, after and during 4 different projects, I am starting to see where I am looking at and feel what I can bring to the table.

Not only the bla bla

and including the do do

how we behave

We are part of systems, wether at work or in our families. These systems are moved by unseen forces and work through us. Like a bird in a flock, individually we are able to move in any direction we want, but we are moved as one, unconscious about the forces that move us and unaware what the next destination is.


Ik denk dat wanneer je mijn rol in een functie wilt plat slaan, de term Business Development Consultant, het best de lading dekt.

Ik loop mee met mensen en organisaties die in een verandertraject zitten. De meeste ervaring heb ik opgedaan binnen kleine organisaties waar het door groei of krimp net even anders moet. Meestal van ambachtelijk vakwerk naar een iets professioneler, meer "corperate" omgeving.

Naast het meelopen duw ik van binnen naar buiten mee in de gewenste richting door "gewoon" operationele zaken op me te nemen.

Vaak zijn dat rollen in general/interim managent, sales, HRM, Engineering, Supply Chain en assemblage processen.



Dommel morning glitter

WAT ik daN doe?

i have got You Covered


Business development

By taking not only words of advice but als bricks to build at hand towards your next set goal. Not only the bla-bla, but including the do-do.


Come home safe

Life is not all about chasing summits. It is all about coming home safe together and enjoying the ride even in hairy moments.


set destiny

Build and share the story where we are made off and construct the future you envision as vibrant and tangible as you can…together

What are you waiting for?

Exclusive Offer
Bart Mulder Beyond Summit Consultancy


let's have a coffee and share our thoughts