Bart Selfie

About me

My name is Bart. Let me carry your business to the next level.

In my adventure I found out by own experience, that life is not at all about chasing summits whether professional or private. It is all about coming home safe and enjoying the ride with all its beautiful and painful parts.

Polishing the mirror

By looking in my own mirror, and by accepting what I saw, and even by turning points of perspective….I made a huge step in my personal development.

While hunting my summits, I lost a part of who I thought  I was, and had to relive it to see that my current state of being was defined by unconscious reaction mechanisms to avoid pain and set earlier convictions…once proven vital to survive …now blocking my ability to live life to the fullest including the qualities I threw out of my being earlier to protect my self. Like in a flock of birds we all have our ability to decide if we go left or right, but we feel steered by forces of family and other forms of organization/systems, and feel that bigger forces are at play…..


Ik denk dat wanneer je mijn rol in een functie wilt plat slaan, de term Business Development Consultant, het best de lading dekt.

Ik loop mee met mensen en organisaties die in een verandertraject zitten. De meeste ervaring heb ik opgedaan binnen kleine organisaties waar het door groei of krimp net even anders moet. Meestal van ambachtelijk vakwerk naar een iets professioneler, meer "corperate" omgeving.

Naast het meelopen duw ik van binnen naar buiten mee in de gewenste richting door "gewoon" operationele zaken op me te nemen.

Vaak zijn dat rollen in general/interim managent, sales, HRM, Engineering, Supply Chain en assemblage processen.



Dommel morning glitter

WAT ik daN doe?

Until up is down 

It is all about changing perspective and defining the next destination together. I strongly believe we are created with unique talents and by showing ones own talents we leave room for others to show theirs….and learn  from each other during that process. 





i have got You Covered

Business development

By taking not only words of advice but als bricks to build at hand towards your next set goal. Not only the bla-bla, but including the do-do.

Come home safe

Life is not all about chasing summits. It is all about coming home safe together and enjoying the ride even in hairy moments.

set destiny

Build and share the story where we are made off and construct the future you envision as vibrant and tangible as you can…together

Exclusive Offer


let’s have a coffee and share our thoughts